Monday, June 10, 2013

Why You Should Hire Board Certified Attorney Lawyer

A board certified attorney lawyer is a certified lawyer from the Board of legal Specialization to ensure the availability and quality of lawyer services in particular areas of law. Every attorney can’t become board certified attorney lawyer. In order to get certified, an attorney has to attain significant legal experience in a particular field of law and has proven skills in that area of law.

Being a skilled board certified attorney lawyer is not an easy task. Board certification process is really strict. An attorney has to go through an ongoing process to be a board certified lawyer. The attorney must:

  • Have at least 5 years of legal experience with 3 years of experience in specific area of law
  • Complete board approved legal education courses 
  •  Present document of extensive legal experience 
  • Present minimum 10 qualified references 
  • Pass a broad special examination covering a whole day
There is a misconception among the U.S. people that licensed attorney lawyer and board certified attorney lawyer are same. But reality is that these two are totally different. Do you know there are 70,000 licensed attorney in Texas and only 10% that means 7,000 attorneys are board certified.

Hiring a board certified attorney lawyer than hiring only a licensed attorney is obviously much effective and wise decision. If a person hires a board certified lawyer he will never have to worry about the legal experience of the attorney. Moreover, board certified attorney lawyer is well-versed with the particular area of law and is capable of providing more effective and efficient legal supports and counseling than others.

Some people are confused on the fact that how they can be sure about whether an attorney is either board certified or simply licensed attorney. There is a very simple way to know about this. You know that most of the attorneys publish advertisements in the newspapers, television or phone book. But only board certified attorney lawyer uses Board Certified by the Texas board of Legal Specialization designation on their advertisements, business cards or newspaper.

1 comment:

  1. Hi James,
    Thanks for this well written post. Yap, I also agree with your opinion that victims must hire a board certified attorney lawyer to recover their claims.
