Monday, June 10, 2013

Important Features That Massage Chairs Should Have

Massage chair is a blessing to those people who don’t get enough time to go a professional therapist or to do exercise daily. Such people, who don’t have sufficient time to exercise daily, can still get healthier and relaxing lives only using massage chairs daily. In case of buying this chair, a person has to be sure that it includes several essential features. Here is a list of features that a person must consider while buying massage chair.

Timer Setting: Most of the modern massage chairs include the timer option which enables the user to pre-determine how much time he wants to get massaged. With this option, the user needn’t to set the timer each time. Setting the timer for once allow the user to get massaged for certain duration each time.

Roller Width Adjustment:  Rollers are installed in the chair to deliver massage to the back. Massage chairs, which have the roller width adjustment option, allow the user to customize the massage as per his back size and massage preferences.

Air Massage: Most of the latest massage chairs include the air massage options. In these chairs, air bags work by compressing the user’s muscles as like Swedish massage. This type of massage chair greatly helps to relax.

Vibration: Vibration feature is quite different from the roller massage which is usually used to provide deep massage using pressure. Vibration is actually an added value to the massage chair which can provide relaxing movements throughout the entire body.

Automated Programs: Modern massage chair manufacturers are offering various kinds of chairs that are fully automated. Even some high quality massage chairs offer 3-6 different automated programs which allow the users to choose which they like most.

Leg & Foot Massage: An ideal massage chair should be able to provide foot and leg massage. These chairs usually use either rollers or air bags to deliver leg and foot massage. In practice, air bag is more effective than rollers as it can provide fuller massages to all types and shapes of legs. 

Warranty: Last but not the least; massage chair should have the warranty options. A potential buyer should carefully consider what conditions have been included in the warranty option. Warranty, which covers home service including both labor and parts, would be the best.

These are the most common features than ideal massage chairs should have.

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