Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Health Benefits of Massage Chairs

As people in these days don’t get enough time to have massage therapy from professional masseurs or do exercises daily, using massage chairs is the best alternative solution to them. At present times, people are buying massage chairs not just to get rest and relaxation, but also for gaining relief from certain pains and improving health conditions. Massage chairs are capable of providing various health benefits. Some are as follows:

Eliminate Health Problems: One of the major benefits that a massage chair can do is the elimination of back pains whereas painkillers often can’t work well. Several recent studies show than massage chairs work better than spinal modification and acupuncture and thus can reduce the use of painkillers by 36%.

Alleviate Anxiety and Depression: Several studies shown that massage chair helps reduce levels of cholesterol by 50% and at the same time increase levels of neurotransmitters which greatly works in reducing tension and anxiety.

Help Cancer Patients: Massage chairs can be used as a supplement for the treatment of cancer patients. Using these chairs daily can alleviate the side effects of cancer like fatigue and nausea and help promote relaxation and improve the functions of the immune systems. All these benefits of these chairs help alleviate the symptoms of cancer.

Prevent High Blood Pressure: Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the blood vessel walls. Keeping blood pressure at a normal level is a pre-condition to have a healthier life. Using massage chairs is the best way to control your blood pressure as they work for reducing stress and relaxing the body. It is proven that these chairs not only work to reduce heart rate, but also decrease and help regulate excessive blood pressure. But the condition is that massage chairs should be used regularly and with certain amount of pressure.

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, massage chairs have other significant benefits including low costs, consistency of performance, privacy, availability and advanced technology etc.


  1. Yup, i fully agree with you that massage chairs can provide all those above mentioned benefits that an ordinary exercise or massage therapy can't provide.

  2. Thanks for this truly informative post on massage chairs.
